Obedience: The Ultimate Act of Worship – Part 2

‘…Jesus said, “…blessed are those who hear the teaching of God and obey it.” 

Luke 11:28 (NCV)

God loves us so much that He allowed His only Son to die for us John 3:16, while Romans 8:38-39 also explains that God will not allow anything to separate us from His love. Moreover, in John 14:23-24 (NKJV), Jesus states, “…If anyone loves Me, he will keep My Word; and My Father will love him, and We will come to him and make Our home with him. He who does not love Me does not keep My words….” Therefore, to not be separated from the love of God, we must keep His Word at all times.

Here are some questions  for introspection relating to your current position with God:

  1. How will you rate your love for God today?
  2. How are you demonstrating your love for Him? 
  3. Do you adhere to His commands as it relates to relationships? (1 John 4:7-8)
  4. Can your family and friends testify that you are a child of God based on how you relate to and treat them? (Ephesians 4:32)
  5. How do you treat your workmates, whether subordinates or superiors? (John 13:34)
  6. Do you give alms and gossip? (Luke 6:35, Romans 12:10)

Depending on how obedient you are to His commands regarding the situations above, one can construe whether you are a child of God or not.

Friends, God’s love is available to all. Irrespective of where you came from, where you live, what you look like, your DNA composition, the colour of your eyes, the colour of your skin, the texture of your hair, your financial status, etc., God loves you. Once you have initiated the salvation process, you need to stay obedient to His commands so as to experience His joy and peace amongst all He has in store for you.

Today, let us all purpose in our hearts to fight to be obedient to God’s commands, as this constitutes our ultimate worship of him. Remember, obedience has BENEFITS, while disobedience results in CURSES (Deuteronomy 28).

Read: Proverbs 8:32; John 15:14

Bible Reading Guide: Psalm 34:11-22; Luke 1:57-80; Numbers 4; Numbers 5:1-10

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